Welcome to our new website. As you can see critters are a big part of our family life.

This is mostly our family and extended family and a little potpouri of our daily life as well as some of our favorite trips. Check back soon!

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Carson checking for creatures in the tide pool on the North Shore of Oahu

Our trip to Disneyland in October

Stephanie and Scott on the beach in California

The chick magnet


Disneyland last October





Our shih tzu, Cowboy



Stephanie playing the electric bass at a jazz concert last spring



Our black lab, Sport



Carson's catch in Hawaii, his first fish


Stephanie at a karate tournament, she is a third degree black belt


The donkeys, Mollie and Dixie



Carson at his favorite place at Sea World, the tide pool



Stephanie and one of our Russian tortoises


myfambly.com makes every effort to check for typographic errors but is not responsible for the text or photo content of this website.

Scott and brother Bob with Chief Yellowhorse






Laurie's sister, Marsha





Carson, going to throw out the first pitch last year at a spring training game





Stephanie in fourth grade with her clarinet






Grandma Christian with my brother's sons, Ryan and Adam